Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Ten on Tuesday

Ten Things You Want for the Holidays The impossible list 1. Trip to Jersey/NYC - Fully paid & accommodations. 2. A finished personal statement for each college i'm applying to (or help to polish them off). 3. Acceptance to Columbia/Rutgers/ or NYU - All 3 preferred. (Not impossible-I just want it NOW!) 4. Treo 600 - Unlocked. 5. 12-Inch Super Drive Apple Power Book G4 & Softwear. 6. Pentax Optio 550. 7. The complete Special Edition Collection of LOTR. 8. New Car, a Honda is preferred...but i'd like something w/ 6 speed. 9. My first years tuition. 10. My first years books. ------------------ Driving through LA during the holidays... It was actually a bit faster this evening. =) Don't mind me, it's my first free Tuesday in a long while-went to the dentist and everything. hehehhe, no cavitities, but I gotta retrain my brushing. I'm glad I went to Luciele's boyfriend-I got dinner too! THAT was the best part! Yummy in my tummy, and a free night?? Whooo hoooo!! heheh and I worked on personals while at work, that's right, I can multi-task. #2 is getting there...

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