Saturday, June 05, 2004

it's better the second time around...

so this time around we went to the mann's chinese theater in hollywood (love that place), and you're not supposed to take pictures...but check this out! *click me* but hey, i saw some lady taking pics with a big ol cam, so i figured i might as well do the same! (well margie said i might as well take them since she was too--and we saw a bunch of flashes all over the theater.) and yes, second time is better--i noticed some other stuff (or what wasn't). so yeah, i'll probably see it again sometime soon (like i usually do). i really wish it was longer, and more dialogue regarding harry's parents and all the relationships with their friends. but anyway, can't wait for "goblet of fire", that will BE the best movie (well until J.K. Rowling finishes 6 & 7 then maybe my favorite will change--but we'll see.) anyway, i'm gonna go continue re-reading ootp. hope you all are having a wonderful weekend! *mwah* & *hug*

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