Monday, February 16, 2004

jersey round 2 so we're back from our trip to the east. we had the best time, it was just really busy (and cold). this time around i brought lani so i wouldn't be the only cold one, and i wanted her to meet everyone over there. we walked all over the place & we hit up rockefeller & central park.... but i didn't go iceskating since a) the line was long and b) no one wanted to skate with me. we went to times square, 5th ave, passed st. patricks, went shopping at h&m (and all those shops on our way to central park & rockefeller), hopkee and i don't remember what the name of that bar was. oh and we made it to the met (i've always wanted to go there) that was an all day adventure (too bad we lost our map holder--he needed to carry a big sign or something). i still don't understand why you can't use your cell inside. but thanks for holding my bag phil, i didn't realize how much stuff i had was really hurting my back! i just wanted to say thanks to phil for losing sleep to pick us up, and showing us around (we really did have the best time--just was surprised how cold it really was) also, thanks to tim for helping phil shows us around. and thanks guys for showing us how to "commit". i think i'm gonna use that from now on. * click* *click* so there's the pics, we had the best time. now all i have to do is test out spring and summer, then plan 2 comes in effect. so i'm pretty tired, i just wanted to post this up and thank phil again, you are the best tour guide. i mean, walking all that way in the cold, while smoking....that IS an accomplishment. heheh thanks sweetie. okay bed time! night night all. *mwah*

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